Migraine Treatment in Pregnancy
Vitals & Useful Links:
- Learn about management of a migraine in pregnancy
- EM Clerkship Podcast – Headache
EMJC is live in 3D! This week, before an intern boot camp class, Kyle (MS4) leads Charlie (MS4) and Arman (MS4) live and in-person* through a case of a woman presenting with a headache. Did we mention she was pregnant? How would you approach this case? As always, we learn some important management strategies for a specific etiology of headache. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please email us at emjccast@gmail.com
*All participants have been vaccinated and were distanced during the show
Here’s Kyle’s Review Article on Migraines in Pregnancy
Negro, A., Delaruelle, Z., Ivanova, T. A., Khan, S., Ornello, R., Raffaelli, B., … & Mitsikostas, D. D. (2017). Headache and pregnancy: a systematic review. The journal of headache and pain, 18(1), 1-20.
And a great approach to headache in the ED from EM Clerkship
DISCLAIMER: The views/opinions expressed in this podcast are that of the hosts/guests and do not reflect their respective institutions. This is NOT a medical advice podcast, if you are having a medical emergency you should call 911 and get help. This is an educational podcast, and as such, sometimes we get things wrong – if you notice this, please email us at emjccast@gmail.com.